Alot of windows smartphone users have be anxious waiting for such a news well i’ll tell you it’s no more news because by next month BlackBerry Messanger (BBM) will arrive windows smart phone.
I kept wondering why the BBM was customised for Blackberry Alone no until BBM was lunched on the Android device, and is now comming to window smartphone, now I get to think which other operating system will lunch the BBM in the nearest future probably the Java Phones will soon lunch BBM lols.
This is not why we are here but i’ll like to help some people out here.
Some people dont understand that if you are not sure of your phone’s capactibily and upgrade your BBM, hopefuly it might get bricked. If it get bricked, then i advice you that you do this below method to make your Android BBM to comealive.
? Firstly, uninstall it completely
? And then download a lower version and install it on your device.
Congratulations you can now start BBM fully on your Android Device.
We still await the arrival of BBM on Window Smartphone.