Twitter though a micro blogging platform is one of the best places one can easily seal deals if you can utilize your 140 characters judiciously. It is really a great platform to gather your target audience, like minds and more if only you can master the rudiments in making that perfect tweet that strikes.
Composing a powerful tweet might seem easy but I guess you should know that it’s beyond what you can imagine. You might have a 140 character tweet that converts just 10% of those that come across it while someone with just 80 character tweet comes to get 80% of their audience. This all lies in the structure of your tweet.
In this article, I will dissect a perfect tweet, give you it’s foundation structure, and at the end of this article, you will be glad composing a perfect tweet that converts.
Here is an example of a perfect tweet I’ll be using for this Case Study and i’ll explain how it’s parts work. Below is the tweet;
The Truth – You Can NEVER Make Money #Blogging –
Above is 69 characters long tweet that would definitely force 70% of the people that come across it to click through the link. As a matter of principle, when composing a tweet, I consider it to be a headline and as such try my best to make it as catchy as possible.
- Must Read: How To Write Catchy and Compelling Headlines
Now considering the above tweet, here is it’s structure and the role they all play in making the sentence a killer tweet.
Structure Of A Tweet That Converts
A Call To Action
‘ The Truth ‘
In the tweet I wrote above, one thing I tried to do was get a word that would definitely grab the readers attention. And that was where I had to use this phrase “The Truth“.
You might assume that it’s not a call to action as it does not prompt the reader to perform a task, but one thing you need to know is this. Man is naturally a curios being and therefore using the phrase “The Truth” will definitely arouse the curiosity of whosoever comes across this and in turn prompts them into wanting to read more.
Now you see how it works, a perfect tweet must contain a word or phrase that performs a Call To Action task. Some words that perform this task include “Discover” “Secrets”,
If you read the tweet carefully, you must have noticed that the Never word was written all in CAPS. I did that on purpose because I was trying to grab the readers attention. Generally, we all come across articles that teach how make money blogging and suddenly you come across a headline that reads you can NEVER make money blogging?
You see the effect it had on you? Emphasizing on that word makes the tweet unique and also improves the chances of people clicking through the link to read. I lay emphasis on words either by making them caps or by wrapping them with a bracket.
A perfect tweet on my part should have emphasis laid on a portion of it. It helps in the click through rate of your tweet.
Hash Tags
‘ #Blogging ‘
Hash tags plays a major role in tweets which is exposing your tweet to a new world of potential clients. For you to get more conversions, you need to expose your business to a new audience other than just those that follow you and that’s where hash tags come into play.
Making wise use of hash tags can really improve your tweets exposure and in turn bring new traffic and conversions. I would normally advise a maximum of 3 hash tags in order not to be considered a spammer.
- Must Read: Facebook Introduces Hash Tags
Link (URL) Shortening
‘ ‘
When placing links in your tweet, I always try to let people know that it is necessary you shorten the link using any available URL shortening service. This helps in creating space for more write-up in your tweet because of twitter’s limited character space.
Not only does it create space, it also helps in creating curiosity since the reader doesn’t know where the link would land. They most likely would click it in order to find out which website the link goes to. It is another compelling method to use your tweet for conversions and this can drive traffic to a new blog easily.
Space! Space!! Space!!!
From my case study tweet, you must have noticed that it was short, in fact just 69 characters long. I actually had to write up a short tweet because I had some cool reasons behind.
If someone loves my tweet and decides to do a Retweet, they could easily add mentions if they wished. This quickly exposes your tweet to a newer audience and the chances or percentage of new converts would generally increase.
If you are going to grab peoples attention and convert them to clients using your tweet, keep in mind these 4 twitter must rules
Your Tweet
- Must be short
- Must contain a Call to Action
- Must contain hash tag
- A link if necessary
I hope you find this guide interesting. Feel free to share your opinions using the comment below and remember to share this article with your friends.
Hi Oscar,
This is a truly a perfect example of a perfect tweet. I liked how you demonstrated the importance of using, action words, curiosity factor, hashtag and shortness. This is a nice post to help craft the best tweets.
Hi Suresh!
I’m glad you love. BTW, long time. It’s been a while I saw you here.
Hi Oscar
Yes. This is a great post. twitter is a very busy place. Timelines refreshes every seconds. This is where call to actions comes in. A catchy call to actions will help gain more leads.
The awesome thing about hash tags is that not only your followers will see the tweet but a wider audience who views the particular hash tag Timeline. I’m sure you will understand what I’m saying.
Nice post. I followed you on twitter “IamOabraham”
Thanks for the contribution Abey. You are right when you say twitter is a busy place, but with perfectly written tweets, you can gain massive exposure with this social media tool. Thanks anyway for the follow, I’ll FF back at once. Do have a great day ahead.
Hi Oscar,
Oh yes…you said it all in this post of yours
I agree with the Hastag part of it, though on places like JustRetweet and others, if you use the hashtag, it might fill up that particular tweet stream with only your post and tends to look spammy, otherwise on single tweets they do work well. Again, it’s advised to use only 1-2 hashtag and not more, isn’t it? Shortening your link has it’s pros and cons I’d say as sometimes some bloggers tend to insert links of some other blogs or products too, while if you have a full link, one can make out the main site linked within. Yes, the space is needed so that others can add in what they like, if your tweet is further retweeted.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead
Hi Harleena,
I really love the way you summarized the whole article. Thanks for dropping by and also do have a splendid week ahead.
Everyone has been complaining why I don’t use twitter. From your post, I guess Will have to try again. Truly inspiring and well crafted.
Very well written. This surely will improve my tweet conversions. Tweet marketing is challenging but with such tricks it becomes a lot easier.
This tweet tweak has ever worked perfectly for me and sure will do you same. Thanks for commenting.
Hi Inyavic,
I’m excited I could write a tip that inspired you. It’s an honor. BTW, Thanks for your time.