We have the largest database of its kind and is growing daily, Records collected are verified and that assures quality & results and are all opt-in list.
Advertise on mobile phones
Mobile phones are highly personal devices; mobiles are always with the users 12- 24 hours a day. So, if you send a discount offer as a message, it would be there with the user when he/she walks into your store. Moreover, messages get forwarded, thereby spreading virally. Sending a message is cheap and easy. And there is no clutter at all!
SMS marketing is perfect for local and national retailers wishing to promote products or services, provide incentives, and increase customer loyalty and retention Depending upon your product/ service, we provide you with personalised ideas, concepts, and solutions to market your product by identifying, developing, implementing, branding and maintaining dynamic marketing, advertising and communication concepts through the utilisation of SMS messaging solutions.
To get started , visit Here
To register, Visit Here
Thanks. Eswift-ng Team
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