As a blogger, there are several ways to monetize your blog and make money online blogging. Many people think that making money online is scam, but this is one of the most real things i’ve found myself invovled with; “Making Money Online With My Blogs“. Here are several ways to starting earning a fortune off your blog provided you have quite a significant amount of traffic. Join me down the lane as you learn the best 20 ways to earn money online from your blog.
Let me start by explaining the two acronyms above.
What are CPM ADS: CPM stand for Cost Per Mille meaning Cost for one thousand impressions. Once you register with a CPM Ads Network as a publisher, they pay you a stipulated amount for a thousand impression of an advert. For instance, lets say the CPM price of an ad network is $3, if you get 1000 page views on your blog for a day, they would pay you $3, If your traffic is 2000 page views, you will be paid $6. This type of advertising networks are nice for blogs which get a lot of traffic. Examples of CPM Ad Networks are:
Vibrant Media
Tribal Fusion
What are PPC ADS: PPC means to Pay Per Click and it refers to adverting networks that pay you per click of ads they display on your blog. If someone clicks on any ad, you are paid for the click. Here is a list of some PPC Networks.
Google Adsense
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing refers is simply a kind of advertising where you refer people to make purchases of peoples product by placing a refferal link on your website and you are been paid a certain percentage of the sales as commission There are lots of Affiliate Marketing platforms out there, but I would give you five genuine links to try out.
Commission Junction
Sponsored Posts
There are lots of people out there with different products looking for where and who to help them advertise their products and services. They can contact you to make a sponsored post or review their product (write a blog post concerning their service) in order to inform the public of their existence. You can make cool money depending on the product, some organizations pay as much as $300 for a sponsored post, so long as you meet their traffic and other requirements. There are platforms to meet with people looking for bloggers to review their products. Here is a list for that.
Offer Your Services
As a blogger, there must have been lots of stuff you might have learnt over the course of your full or part time blogging. Things ranging from Blog Design, SEO services, banner designs and lots more. You can add a ‘Hire Me‘ page on your blog to give an easy way to your clients to contact you.
Direct Advertisement
If you can build your traffic and audience, you can place direct adverts for clients on your website and they pay for the ad space you provide them. This is even better than the CPM and PPC services and no middle man collect commission in this case. You can create an ‘Advertise With Us’ page with your blog statistics and various ad sizes you support.
Why not implement this various strategies today and make a living blogging. You can tell us other ways you make money blogging using our comment box below.
I hope this helped.
wao,what a nice collection,never heard of the cpm, PayPerPost
am gonna visit them one by one
thanks for d awesome list
You are welcome orhionkpaibima
I sincerely love what you’re doing….
Thanks Cubaze, it’s nice having you on my blog.
God bless this is magnificient. We will meet at the top.
Hoping to see you at the top soon.
Thanks for sharing that are a big for newbie to make money. I go with Empower Network and Online investment as well as CPM.
That’s cool Kimsea. Someone recently introduced the empower network to me. I don’t think i’m ready for it right now, maybe soon i will.
Hi Oscar, well i am not making money from blogging yet but now i have to consider about it. thank you for sharing the complete list for making money from a blog
Hi Akhi,
it’s cool to know you would consider making money with your blog, at least to earn you the blog maintenance fee if you are not into blogging fully.
I’m not earning anything from online. Have to try Affiliate marketing and sponsored posts. Thanks for sharing the useful post.
Affiliate Marketing has a huge earning potential I must say, it deserves to be given a try. Wishing you success anyway.
great post Oscar. thanks for sharing alternatives to sponsored reviews
i am wondering which among them is the best 
You are welcome Marilyn, anyway I can’t really say which is best for now. I would have study them all some more.
Nice to know about all the possible way of earning via a blog ! I need to try some Sponsored Posts. Thank you for a nice article !
You are very much welcome Bishnu, i’m so glad you like this article.
To earn with sponsored post, a blog should have good PR.
Nice ways to make money with blog. For all the ways, good traffic is needed to earn a decent income.
I know most of the websites which you’ve listed here, will try to have a loo at other sites soon.
That’s nice to hear, but have you tried them all Nirmala?
Thanks a lot dear for this post. I was looking for money making ways for my blog. And I like the point of sponsored posts the most. I’ll definitely try it. Once again thanks for posting this info.
Now you’ve found this working ways to make money, why not try them out. I wish the best in the blogosphere.
Thanks for the information and resourceful links. I am not yet using CPM ad networks and now plan to join a couple of them. Hope they will be good to use along with Adsense.
Affiliate marketing and selling your own service are always the best method to make money from your blog. Thanks once again for the useful post.
Affiliate marketing is simply one of the best ways to make money on your blog, I’ve never done started using it, but soon I will try to start using that means.
Offering your services is a quick way to make money blogging Oscar.
Of course, building your skill set takes some time, but once you become adept at SEO, or writing, or in any online niche, you can charge freely and make a nice living.
Thanks for sharing!
I offer services such as web design and more, and I make money online using it. Thanks for your contribution Ryan.
Hi Oscar,
Wonderful post. This post is fulfilling all requirements of bloggers. Everyone is here to earn money. I appreciate your work. Thank so much for sharing these ways to earn.
I’m glad you like it Mubashir, thanks for leaving your comment here. =D
Hello Oscar,
I am earning from my blog in some ways, which are; ppc, selling of links and sponsored post. i also render my services and i just recently joined the affiliate world which i feel is a brilliant step. Thanks for the post and do have a blessed weekend
That’s cool. I wish you the best in your new affiliate pursuits. I’m also going into it now.
nice one oscar this is really a great list on how to make money blogging, as we know providing quality content should be the first aim of every blogger but as time goes by you would want to make some money for your hard work that’s where this post come’s in
thanks oscar
Quality content is definitely what one should firstly consider before thinking of making money online. Thanks for your contribution bro.
You definitely carried out your research very well before publishing this article. In a bid to diversify my income streams i am going to exploit this list in finding the perfect method to monetize my blog further. Thanks for sharing.
I’m glad you love it Nwosu, thanks for stopping by.
Hey Bro,
Great work you have done i have worked with some websites and earning some money on it but not with others would like to check it out thanks for sharing it
You are very much welcome Shameem, thanks for stopping by.
Hey Oscar,
Well, superb post here. Few years back, there was a picture where earning through blogging was just a mere idea but right now the scenario is where every blogger is implying the same and getting success in one or the other form.
Infact I am also involved with the same right now.
Very helpful post indeed.
Thanks a lot for such a great share.
Keep updating.
Hi Charmie,
I’m so glad you love this article, also thanks for your contribution and commenting.
i have not hear about pay2blog what is it all about sir
U are realy a genius bro, u inspire me by how u explain CPM. Thanks. I will visit ur blog again 4 fresh tips
Hi Onyema,
I’m excited to know you were inspired by this article. Hoping to get more of your comments, do have a splendid day ahead.
Thanks man buh i don’t have a Blog. How can i have one.
Hi Sonny,
It’s quite easy to set up a blog. You can Read This Article or Contact Me Here for more details.
There is a lot of ways you can profit from your blog and make money online, blogging is a business and you can turn your blog into a source of revenues by:
1. Selling Ads
2. Joining Advertising Networks such as Adsense, chitika, infolinks and other networks
3. You can use Affiliates markets such as Amazon
These advertising networks help a lot of Bloggers to earn a lot of money as Google Ad-sense being recognized as the best of all. but these things takes time so be patient, Even people such as Pete Cashmore the founder of Mashable, Michael Arrington the founder of Techcrunch didn’t star earning from the first day it took them time to generate quality contents, traffic and a lot of time and now they are Millionaires with online startups that provides employment to other people too.
Thanks Ally for adding such a contribution in comment. I really do appreciate.
Really interesting read. There are so many ways to make money online. I have done extensive research myself. Many work but many also deliver less than is promised. Beginners really need to be able to find the genuine opportunities such as those listed here. Thanks,
You are welcome Matt and thanks for leaving your wonderful comment.
Hey Oscar,thanks a lot for such post.From what i can fathom from this post i am now inspired & motivated to start my own blog.The word Thank you is not even enough to show how much i value this post.
But i have a challange of knowing the right niche that will be of interest to people(can u give some examples or suggestions?) & also how to build a quality content at the same time how to keep sourcing or getting more information for a particular article or niche i have choosen.Please i need you to help me with these challenges so that i can join the crew making money online.Please be my personal mentor.I ll b delighted if u send me ur contact details via my email address:
Thank u once again!
Hey Oscar this is a brilliant effort keep it up! I’d agree with you that making money online is now no more a secondary source of income. People have been blogging for years and it has become a full time income stream. Me and a friend tried our luck a few years ago and came across sites like snagthecash. com and some other facebook pages that had some cool ideas for earning. Atlast he went into blogging and he’s earning good now. Thanx a lot.
please I’m new to blogging,you can check my blog site here
I’ve found out that the more i add more post the more my blog traffic decreases.What can i
do please,and must i have a website to qualify for AdSense or just a domain name. I’m kind of; confused right now :|]
Good work Oscar, I love to start blogging and online money making program…however I have no experience on these…what should I do or how do I start. Your response will be highly appreciated.
Hi Timmy,
Thanks for hitting me up. Blogging is really great, you might want to Start Here. Please do hit me up if you encounter any difficulties.
Thanks for writing this great post on Making Money Online With Blogs. I love the idea of selling service. Like you right explained, every blogger who has been blogging for years or even months have a lot to teach newbies and in turn make good cash.
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Thanks for stopping by Chidi. I definitely will check out your blog.
Awesome blog. I enjoyed reading your articles. This is truly a great read for me. Keep up the good work!