There are people who have actually made it a habit not to have airtime in their mobile phones and expect people to call them when the need be (pun intended). If you fall into this category, , all of the Nigerian service providers such as MTN, Glo, Airtel and Etisalat have you in mind and have provided the Call Me Back service for you.
Obviously, a call me back sms is a short automatic message that is sent when you dial a code followed by the recipient’s number. It’s usually a free text message that prompts the other person (the recipient) to call the sender.
When you make use of any of the Call Me Back SMS Codes from any Nigerian service provider, the other person automatically sends receives an appropriate sms as provided by the service provider.
One thing to note is the fact that Call Me back SMS only work between subscribers on the same network. This should usually be so as you know the sphere is really competitive and these guys need new subscribers to their networks. Enough of the whole rant, let’s head straight to how you can easily send a call me back sms to MTN, Airtel, Glo and 9mobile subscribers.
How To Send Call Me Back on MTN : MTN Call Me Back Code
The MTN Call me back service is quite straight forward and you can make follow the steps below to send a call me back service to an MTN line.
- *133*Recipient’s Number# You may also use *133*1, *2 or *3 to change the type of message that will be sent (Call me back, i Love you, Please call me back, etc)
Update: The MTN network has made it quite easy for her customers to send a call me back text without having to remember the long codes anymore. All you need do is dial *133# and follow the prompt. We made an updated post on how to send a call me back SMS on MTN here.
How To Send Call Me Back on Airtel : Airtel Call Me Back Code
Now with one of the world’s leading network provided, Airtel, you also have the ability to send a Call Me back sms. You no longer need to ask “How Do I send a Call Me Back SMS” on Airtel as this is the perfect guide.
- Dial *140*Recipient’s Number#
And that’s how to send use the Call Me Back service on the Airtel network. We have a dedicated post for Airtel Call Me Back Code.
How To Send Call Me Back SMS on Glo : Glo Call Me Back Service Code
Use the steps below to easily send a call me back SMS using the Glo Call Me Back Service.
- Dial *125*Recipient’s Number#
That’s how easy it is to send a call me back code using the Glo network.
How To Send Call Me Back on 9mobile : Etisalat Call Me Back Code
You can also send a call me back SMS using 9mobile, which was formerly known as Etisalat. Sending a call me back SMS using the callback service is really straight forward. Follow the step to get it done.
- Dial *266*1*Recipient’s Number#
And that’s it. These are the readily available call me back codes for all networks in Nigeria. If you did find this post on Call me service code helpful, why not try any of these now and let me know if it did work for you in the comment section below. Cheers.