Hey Martins welcome once again to my blog, Martins has previously written on my blog, you can see his previous post where he tought of chainging Google+ buttons language to english on a blogspot blog, I know this was beneficial to a lot of us using the blogger blogging platform, and now he has come over to give us a story that will make you decide the kind of blogger you want to be.
Take it off Matins… 🙂
The title is kinda odd, right? Sorry I’m not really good with titles but I think it’s catchy. Three Idiots is an Indian Comedy Movie released in December 25th, 2009. It tells of three guys who met in College, while studying Engineering, and became best friends. Their names:
- Rancho Shamaldas or Chanchad,
- R. Madhavan,
- Raju Rastogi.
I’m not planning to tell the story. Just wanna use it to give an advice to bloggers. To achieve this, let’s examine each of these three main characters in the movie.

Of these three men, Rancho was the most intelligent and infact the smartest in the school. He advised the other two, helped them, encouraged them, etc and they loved him. Although he changed his name to Phunsukh Wangdu, he was still very successful and rich.
Pro bloggers are like Rancho. We have the likes of Harsh Agarwal, Amit Agarwal, Linda Ikeji, Enstine Muki, Forbes, Harleena Singh, Miss Malini, Jide Ogunsanya, Emeh Achanga, etc. These are the ones setting the pace for others to follow in their various niches.
They are the ones making it big from their blogs. Even when they change their pen names or domain name, they will still get back on top with a snap of the finger. Not every blogger is a Rancho.
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However, one thing we learn from Rancho is this, “Never look down on others. Rather, befriend them.” He chose to proudly identify himself openly with the dumbest in the class. As pros, you should know that “pride goeth before a fall”.
To gain more followers and more admirers, you have to be a responsive blogger. Taking time to reply comments on your posts as well as mails, requests and questions. Take a short time from your busy schedule to step down from your olympian heights to comment on posts of others especially when you’re tagged to it. This will definitely help you build a better blogging community and/or audience.
You should never look down on others, because you’re not a blog god.
Someone you looked down upon can surpass you in due time, and when such a blogger is mentioning those who have helped him/her reach that position, you won’t be mentioned and your primary purpose of starting a blog, which is to help people with your knowledge, will be defeated.
Madhavan wasn’t doing well as an engineering student, no matter how hard he tried. He was at the bottom of the class, despite having the best (Rancho) as an ally. At the end, Rancho adviced him to reason with his father to permit him do what he knows best, what he had passion for, wildlife photography.
We can tell that he became successful and probably rich from it, as we see in the beginning, he was boarding on a plane when he faked a stroke. How many photographers do you think can afford a plane ticket?
Most bloggers are like Madhavan. These are pro materials, pro bloggers in the making. They are blogging but in the wrong niche, and so won’t survive the blogosphere for long.
No matter how persistent and consistent they may be, their blogs will always remain at the bottom of the food chain and thus lacking, wallowing amongst ruins. Getting followers, traffic and even adsense approval would be almost an impossible feat for them. They will end up not gaining from their blogs and eventually quit.
For such to succeed, they need to find their right niche, their passion, settle on it and sit back and relax as they watch themselves rise fast to be listed amongst the best.
Raju like Madhavan graced the bottom of the class but as Rancho had bragged to the Dean, Raju became employed immediately after graduating, even when he was interviewed on a wheel chair.
Many bloggers are like Raju. They are not the best in their niches, people criticize their work and classify them as failures but they are still relevant. They are in their right niches and are persistent. These bloggers will still make decent revenue from their blogs and get approved by adsense.
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They can safely become full time bloggers and use their earnings to take care of themselves.
As we can see at the end of the movie, Rancho is quoted:
“Pursue excellence, and success will follow, pants down.”
That is, pursue the niche(s) in your passion and you’ll become a successful blogger.
Now over to you, examine yourself, which of these Idiots are you? As for me, I’m a Raju for now!
Martins has said it all, he said he’s Raju for now, who are you?
nice blog….. I love it
Hi dorlipi,
Thanks for taking time to comment. Yes FTB is a great blog. Hope you’ll stick around because FTB gots lots In store for you.
Funny But true.. Nice Writeup
Hi AndroidNigeria, Thanks for the comment.
This is an ariltce that makes you think “never thought of that!”
wow, nice article…. well written… like this.
Hi scholars joint admin, Thanks for the positive rating. I’m glad you liked it.
Hi Frank,
Three Idiot is one in town Indian film. I think I love how you came in with this post. Those guys are great guy but what do you see to the issue of Silencer (Ramlingham) the great crammer?
Hi Adesanmi,
Lol. That’s a tough one. Maybe, we should classify him as the copy and paste bloggers, especially those in the entertainment niche, because that’s how his cramming works. He’ll splutter anything he crams without checking just as these copy bloggers would copy anything without checking. Hope that’s acceptable?
Thought i was the only blogger who liked the movie passionately. Thanks for sharing this post and attributing them to it.
In real life, am Ranchoddas.
But in blogging, am Raju *winks*
Nice Article, Well referenced… I can say am just at the beginning… But am sure not Madhaval…. I stopped being him, then Raju is the next in line for me, and I hope Rancho is not too far away, I’ll surely get to him!
Jimoh Olajide
I really enjoyed your post. Great learnings and love to see you being so honest with.
This is nice! Thanks for sharing with us =)
Wonderful, I had no idea that the message of 3 idiots has spread so far and wide. I liked the movie a lot and also your post.
Nice use of the three idiots film to describing the blogging industry. This was one of the film I’ve caught and thought it to be pretty cool. Thanks for sharing!
I’ll make sure to bookmark this.
I like this tips especially the one on not looking down on others but befriending them. It can really teach us new things and expand our network.
Nice parallelism. Yopu have your ways of telling your views. How I wish i am Rancho. intelligent and not selfish.
I am more into Rancho. Glad to know about this stories. Thank you for sharing!
I also like the film The Three Idiots. We all like the character of Rancho. So cool. I never would have expected to connect this film to be about different type of bloggers!
This is a bit confusing Martins, but I get the basic gist of it. It takes a lot of insights and knowledge to kickstart a blog and build it up. Your points are insightful
some nice stuff but going full time is a lot harder nowadays
Nice catch for a blog post. Yeah, I have seen the flick and I love it!
I think I have my niche, sometimes though it’s too tempting to be a jack-of-all-trades. 🙂 However, I’d like to subscribe to the fact that I am learning to trim down and focus on my niche. 🙂 Great tips you have here. 🙂 And yeah, Three idiots was fantastic! Racho/Mr. Wangdu is fantastic!
Wonderful post and a great lesson to learn from this post. Actually the movie is kinda inspiration which will surely make us consistent in blogging.
Thanks for share
Woo, what a post, thanks for inspiration .
I’m glad you like this post Mubarak, Thanks for stopping by.