Making Money Online has never been easier as you probably must have known by now, that’s one of the major reasons it is advised never to put all your eggs in one basket. It is a nice option if you can try out several methods to making money with your blog rather than rely on one CPC or CPM program and that’s why I made this post.
- Must Read: 20 Ways To Make Money Blogging
Infact, in the blogosphere today, your email list is one of your largest asset, as it grants you quick accessibility to your readers. It is a great idea to start building your email list today if you were not doing that previously because their are various opportunities to make money online using your email list. One word used to describe this is known as Email Marketing.
Building Your Email List
I won’t be teaching you immensely how to build an email list for your blog on this article, but I will guide you through the various necessary steps to achieve it quickly before I give you the ways to make money using your email list. You can make use of platforms such as Aweber, Mailchimp, Feedburner to build your list.
- Must Read: Aweber vs Feedburner
1. Do giveaways on your blog with subscribing to your list as one of the ways to qualify.
2. Place your Opt-In forms in places where they can get attention such as below a post, in your sidebar e.t.c.
Now let us move on to the making money aspect with your email list.
How To Make Money With Your Email List
Several methods for you to make money with your list are out there, and I would be showing you five easy ways to achieving a multiple income stream using your email list.
1. Affiliate Offers
This is one great way to make money from your email list. You can create a review of an affiliate product on your blog,with your affiliate link. All you need do is introduce the product to your subscribers list through a mail and give them a link to go read your review which contains your affiliate link. A percentage of them would probably go for the products.
2. Sell Your Personal Products
This is one aspect of Email Marketing I am yet to try out. Create your products such as Ebooks, Videos etc and sell them. You might be wondering howto sell the to your list, simply send them a mail telling them the importance of your product and a link to the sales page. Isn’t it too easy? You would gain a great deal with this if you can create wonderful products and you have lots of email subscribers.
3. Sell An Ad Space In Your Newsletter
Some companies can pay you a huge some to place their link at your Newsletter footer, so whenever you send a Newsletter, it bears a link to one of the product or Call-To-Action page. This is one other cool way to make money using your email list.
4. Get Paid To Send Your Email Subscribers To Another Website
It is possible that you get contacted by a firm, they might consider paying you $1 for each of your subscribers that Opt-In for the reports or download a product. All they would have you do is simply send your list a message with a link to their product page, and leave the rest to them.
5. Thank You Page Redirect
Most Email List building platforms such as Aweber and Mailchimp allow you to set up a custom Thank you page where your newly subscribed users get redirected to immediately they Opt-In your Newsletter list. You could set up a page with affiliate links as your Thank You Page. Simply work on this point, you’ll find a way to make it not boring for your readers, and you’ll be really shocked at the rate of success.
Conclusively, making money online is every bloggers dream, and making money using your email list is one dream come true in multiple stream income online. Apply my above mentioned strategy and get shocked at the Amazing income you generate through this method.
Please feel free to add your contribution to this list.
Thanks oscar for this useful and informative article…..i have underestimated the power of email list ….this will serve as an eye opener and i will start to build my email list and make money with the strategies you listed above…have a great day!….
I’m glad you found it helpful Kelvin.Thanks for your comment.
This is a great tip. I will try implementing email marketing to my making money strategy. Thanks.
Hi Larry,
It is quite necessary to do so, I hope you implement it in order to get the best out of your blog.
Nice update Frank.. you are gifted.. thumb up.
Thanks Nehemiah for dropping by. Have a nice day.
nice post oscar just keep on writing articles like this i love it, email marketing is a great way to make money from a blog
Yes it is Prince. I’m glad you liked it.