It’s November again, it’s remaining just one month to go, we’ll all just find ourselves in a new month, aside that we are very happy that FTB is approaching 1 year, sounds great huh! 🙂 I’m sorry I mentioned an off point issue here, probably, I’ll be writing an article for our anniversary soon, lets look at the reasons why we are here, Android devices seems to have been the most used gadget, report shows that android devices are on the lead In the mobile market, it’s no doubt that you’re reading this article might probably own an Android device.

- Are You A Blogger?: See 15 Recommended Android Apps Every Blogger Needs
List Of 6 Android Apps You Need For This Season
With PCMark for Android you can actually know how better your android device performs when compared to other Android devices? This benchmarking tool to tells you how swift your device is as per it’s perfomance, from stats to tips, the app gives you every detail of the functioning of your device.
What PCMark Does :
- See how well your device performs, then compare it with the latest models.
- Benchmark the performance of the whole device, not its isolated components.
- Tests are based on everyday activities, not abstract algorithms.
- Scores reflect real-world performance, not unachievable maximums.
- Tests use real applications and native APIs whenever possible.
- See every test in action instead of watching progress bars.
- PCMark guide tells you what is being measured and how scores are calculated.
- 100% free. No ads. No in-app purchases. No restrictions.
Camera51 Android app automatically detects and analyzes faces, scenes, objects and lines and guides you to the perfect frame in every click.
It invites you to start taking photos just like a professional. It uses photography principles used by professional photographers and artists and applies this vast and amazing knowledge in a fun and simple interface. All you have to do is place the smartphone icon in the “Aim-Box” and SHAKAM! you’ve got yourself a photo that looks like a million bucks.
- Auto framing / auto composition technology: Identifies and automatically selects the main objects and lines of the photo to determine real time framing guidance.
- Perfect selfie: snap the ultimate selfie whether by yourself or in a group with the front-facing camera.
- Manual object selection: Users have the option to manually select an object by just tapping the screen, to determine framing guidance, focus, and exposure.
- Multi object selection: Allows users to select up to three different objects of interest per photo.
- Peripheral object alert: Enables the app to notify you of prominent objects that may interfere with your frame boundaries.
How’s your next party gonna look like? Ready to rock your next party? 🙂 Introducing djay 2 – the next generation of the world’s best-selling DJ app is now available on Android. djay2 transforms your Android device into a full– featured DJ system. Seamlessly integrated with Spotify and all the music on your device, djay gives you direct access to mix your favorite songs and playlists instantly. You can perform live, record mixes on–the–go, or enable Automix mode to let djay create a seamless mix for you automatically. Whether you are a professional DJ or a beginner who just loves to play with music, djay offers you the most intuitive yet powerful DJ experience on an Android device.
- Spotify integration
- Music library integration (all files on your device, no access to Google Play Music)
- Automix
- Match: intelligent song recommendation engine powered by The Echo Nest
- Audio FX: Flanger, Phaser, Echo, Gate, Bit Crusher
- Mixer, Tempo, Pitch-Bend, Filter and EQ controls
- Looping & Cue Points
- Colored HD Waveforms™
- Live Recording (local music only) Sampler with included sound FX, drums, and an exclusive pack by Snoop Dogg
- Single Deck portrait mode
- Pre-Cueing with headphones (using Griffin DJ Cable)
- Advanced time-stretching (requires quad-core Nexus device)
- Automatic beat & tempo detection
- Auto-Gain
- Support for all major audio formats
- Support for Bluetooth devices
- Support for DJ MIDI Controller (Reloop Beatpad)
You are tired of all those unnecessary notifications, calls and text messages, this app will surely be of help to you. Offtime is a clutter-free app that’s helps you prioritize the calls, texts and notifications you receive in routine. The app only lets important stuff pass on to you while halting stuff that can actually wait. For example, 4 missed calls in succession from the same number hints at urgent matters, Offtime will permit the next call from the same number to come through. Helpful pre-set profiles are ‘Focused Work’, ‘Family’ and ‘Unplugging’. ‘Unplugging’ automatically mutes notifications, calls and texts, while app access is restricted too.
What Offtime Does :
- Block calls, texts, and notifications
- Calls and texts from VIP contacts remain unblocked
- Send out custom auto-replies
- Comprehensive list of missed phone activity
- Restrict your access to apps and internet
- Use Profiles, Schedule and Auto-Start with your Calendar, and use Widgets for fast access
- Get phone and app usage analytics
- Check This : How To Stop Annoying Spam Messages & Calls Using Binga
Share your photos, not your phone! Xim your photos on your camera roll or favorite service to your friends’ devices. Swipe, pan and zoom together for all to enjoy, even those who don’t have the app.
- Xim now available in all countries!
- Stop huddling around one small screen – xim instead so everyone can see the images on their own device
- Xims swipe and zoom together, so everyone stays in sync automatically – it’s fun too
- Only one person needs to have Xim installed in order for everyone to participate
- Invite people from your phone’s contact list, via email or via phone number
- Choose photos from your camera roll, Instagram, Facebook, Dropbox, or OneDrive; mix and match easily from any of these sources
- When your friend gets the Xim app the fun really starts – they can add photos or people to the Xim and easily extend the conversation
- Xims only stick around for a little while so you can enjoy the moment with no storage or organization overhead
- Long press on a photo you like for additional options such as save photo.
- Xim is available for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone 8 devices and works in most web browsers
- While Xims expire after a little while, Ximmers can choose to save ximmed photos or take a screenshot at any time.
- Xim functionality may be limited on certain web browsers such as those running on a pc or tablet device but we’re working on it. Read more
- Android Users : Identify Applications That Drains Your Battery Using Battery Doctor
The road is a place of wonder and inspiration. From prosaic passing thoughts to bursts of creative brilliance, the journeys we take and the ideas they inspire along the way are treasures worth preserving and sharing.
Journeys & Notes, a Microsoft Garage project, is a delightfully curious social app for the space between an origin and a destination. Whether you’re taking the bus to work across town, or jet-setting across the globe, checking-in to your trips with Journeys & Notes unlocks a community of people who have traveled the path you’re on. The road may be long and lonely, but Journey and Note helps connect you with others along the journey. Leave behind notes for your fellow travelers to discover, or stumble across the serendipitous gems of wisdom shared by others. Microsoft Garage turns fresh ideas into real projects.
Hi Larry
A very well described and balanced description of various android apps.
As you know well android is becoming one of the basic necessities of cell users because of the variety of features and options it offers.
All the apps you mentioned are awesome. Especially the performance monitor and party planner are really amazing apps.
I will surely install the journey and note because while travelling I badly feel to work on ideas which comes into my mind while enjoying my journey.
Thanks a lot for sharing this very useful post. I also shared it at Twitter.
Hi Mi Muba,
It’s great to know that you love this article, those apps there on the list are companions while in the boring land 🙂 .
It’s not only in Nigeria mobile market that Android devices are on the lead, it’s global, everywhere arround the globe Android devices are been used and are taken to have the most user interface.
Thanks for your comment.
Hi Larry
Awesome post. The 6 apps that you mentioned are great.
In fact I tried out the Camera51 and it is really a wonderful app. I was able to take pictures following the instruction. Although there are other features in this app that I am going to try out.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ikechi,
It’s awesome you could try one of this app 🙂 the CAMERA51 is a wonderful photo app, you still have some time to tour arround the app to know more about the app.
I’m sure you’ll enjoy this app, you can also download more from the list so as to have more fun this season.
Thanks for dropping your testimony about the app.
Hi Larry,
Now a days Android operating system is leading all the way. There are many apps for it. People are crazy to use new apps each day. There are many phones whose camera is not that much effective but with the use of apps like CAMERA51 users can have perfect use of their phone.
You have listed some cool apps here.
Thanks for sharing with us.:)
Hello Ravi,
The word “Crazy” is not qualified when looking for what to say about the rate at which people want to explore more on their android devices, thereby downloding any app they come across.
It’s good that your love the CAMERA51 thats great, so it’s good you download it and enjoy the heck out of it.
Hi Larry,
Really an amazing Android apps you got here, Camara51 and Djay2 really caught my interest. Think am going to download these tow right away.
Thanks for sharing.
Hello Shamsudeen,
Welcome to my blog, it’s good some of this apps could catch your interest. From my observations, every person who dropped a comment on this post likes the Camera51.
Therefore I award it the best on the list! 🙂
Go straight to the download link and download this apps as they all are interesting.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Larry,
That was a nice one for the android users. Though I do not really make use of android devices but from all you have just revealed, the features of these apps are indeed awesome.
Seems i’ll go get an android device in no distant time.
Thanks for sharing this with us
Hello Joseph,
Welcome one again to my blog, sure the above listed apps rock, but it’s quite unfortunate that you don’t use an Android device, anyway you got your reasons for that, but android devices are interesting, it’s good you want to go for one, you definitely gonna enjoy it.
Thanks for stopping by.
Nice android apps but am not using android.
Lol.. Philip,
You can recommend these apps to your friends who use androif devices, so as they don’t miss it.
Thanks for stopping by, do have a wonderful day ahead.
Hi Larry,
I’m not an Android user; in fact, I’m a die hard iOS fan!
However, your presentation of these apps and what they are capable of doing really made me wish I had a phone with such awesome capability (not complaining though, iOS has it’s own fair share of awesome apps). But, too much of any good thing can’t be bad, right?
Maybe, it’s time to have an Android as ‘backup’.
Do make the day great!
Hello Terungwa,
It’s shoking that you don’t use an android device and aswell no an android fan, I was thinking that every smartphone lover in Nigeria prefers Android devices to others, all thesame, iOS are one other nice ones.
It’s good you want to purchase an Android device, that would be great 🙂 I hope you’ll install this apps when you must have purchased it.
Thanks for stopping by, do have a wonderful day ahead.
This is cool! I am personally an IPhone user but I will be definitely looking these up in the app store to see if they are there! The camera one sounds pretty cool although OFFTIME sounds AMAZING!!
As a small business, I tend to find myself working around the clock, every day and never have the phone off time … but if this is on the IPhone, totally going to invest in it!
Thanks for sharing, I really appreciate your knowledge and love to share!
Hello Allysha,
welcome to my blog. 🙂 it’s good you saw some apps that you love here, and you wish to have them, but unfortunately they are for android smartphones alone 🙁 I’m so sorry about that, but as you said, you’ll check for these apps in your iPhone’s apps store, that’s really gonna be nice if you find them there.
Wish you luck to find them.
thanks for your kind words, and do have a wonderful day ahead. i appreciate your stopping by.
you’re right, android rocks!! especially their apps and games. Good list of apps you listed, and I noted they’re also free. Just downloaded camera51, first one that got my attention, now I can’t wait to take a selfie so I can share on facebook. The review you gave for off-time app sounds cool, got annoying callers i’d always wanted to put on off for a while, guess I’ve just found the right app for that.
Won’t be travelling this Christmas, but atleast I’ll have these apps to while away time with this holiday. Thanks for sharing.
Hello Gracia,
Sure android apps rock, but unfortunately, I don’t use one, but that’s by the way. I’m glad that you like these apps and have already downloaded one, I won’t be asking you if the app app interests you as you’ve already said how much you are in lopve with it.
I’ll be waiting to see the picture you’ve taken with the Camera51, make sure you give me a tag. same here I’m not traveling for the holiday, but in my case, blogging will keep me company.
Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy the season with these apps.