Have you ever wondered how top bloggers pull in over 200 comments to one article on their blogs, I guess you would simply say their blogs are popular. Well, whatever your answer to that might be, there are simple rules they obey that turns in traffic and also compels readers to leave reasonable comments on their blogs which you might have not known about.
In this article, i’ll guide you through the various reasons why no one is leaving a comment on your blog and the basic things you need to do in order to gain huge exposure and more comments to your blog post. These are quite easy lay down rules that if obeyed, you’ll be shocked at what result you will gain.
6 Reasons You Are Not Getting Comments On Your Articles
1. Low Traffic
For any blogger to succeed in the blogosphere today, the first thing you need to work on is your blog’s traffic. How do you expect to gain comments on your blog post when you have been writing and no one has been reading, traffic is the starting point for any successful blogging experience. First things first, you need to build traffic and exposure to your blog, below are some links you can make use of in order to increase traffic to your blog.
- Must Read: How To Get Traffic To A New Blog
- 10 Ways To Get Traffic To Your Blog
- Building Traffic From Twitter
2. Low Quality Blog Post Content
Content is King! That’s one phrase you should always bear in mind about blogging. If someone visits your blog and find low quality or even scrapped content, he/she would immediately click on the red X icon just to close your Tab. but if you can put in more efforts in the quality of your blog posts, even if this would affect your posting frequency, it is better to have quality post than a quantity of low content post on your blog. Here are some blog posts that might help you in making quality articles on your blog.
3. You Never Asked For It
You probably would not get what you never asked for, and that’s for sure. Let’s have it done or started this way. Put in your time and effort into writing a quality blog post, and at the end, try to ask your readers to make their inputs and contributions to the article. You might get amazed at what result you can gain from this strategy. Give this a try also.
4. Your Commenting System is too Complicated
One thing readers really hate is adding complications too your blog. This can scare them away and never to return to your blog. Some bloggers go as far as adding captchas, calculations, check boxes and more in one comment form all in the name of fighting spam. Let me leak you one secret, the simpler your comment box, the more likely you are to get more comments to your articles. Try to simplify your comment form and watch it’s effect on your blog.
5. You Don’t Reward Commentators
Everyone loves been rewarded and this is also applicable to your readers. If there is a reward attached to people leaving comments on your blog, then it would really encourage people to commenting on your blog posts. Some of the rewards you can offer your readers can be CommentLuv enabled comment forms, Top Commentators Widget. The CommetentLuv plugins adds a backlink to your commentators blog from each comment they leave, you can set the links to nofollow or dofollow if you wish. While the Top commentators widget places a link to the top commentators blog of say a week in your sidebar or footer, depending on where you place the widget. It can also be set to dofollow or nofollow. Now, these rewards are really what everyone out there would want, and this would compel them into commenting on your blog.
6. You Do Not Reply Comments
Conversations build up relationships. If someone leaves a comment on your blog, and you do not reply, it is likely that the commentator would no longer comment on your blog. Replying to comments is a nice way of saying thank you to the commentator and also building relationships. Thanks to some plugins such as Send email only on Reply to My Comment, it send email notification to your commentators once you reply their comment, and this tends to build them as returning visitors to your blog.
- Must Read: Benefits Of Commenting On Other Blogs
- Benefits Of Guest Posting
- How To Make Your Blog Popular
Conclusively, if you can study and obey my 6 laid down solutions and approaches to why you are not getting comments on your blog, then expect to see an increase in the rate at which new comment would flow in to your blog. Let me know your views on this by leaving a comment, wish you the best and a Happy blogging experience.
You have said it all,while one could be defective in some of the points you mentioned especiall ASKING for it ,i must also point out that most or lets say some blog readers are just not appreciative,even if they find something useful,they stil wont comment.
You are right Ebima, thanks for stopping by and letting us know your stand on this.
Readers can be Stingy wt comments sha…even if u ask for it or u post an interesting article, they still wont comment on it rather they prefer commenting on Irrelevant posts on Popular Sites!
That’s kinda true. So it is nice to build up your blog to become popular. You can follow our old post on how to make your blog popular.
Thanks for sharing! I always focus on quality content and response to the comments. But I never try any comments widget and list my comments. I thinks, I have to learn more about this and try it one time.
I’m glad you liked this article Kimsea. Thanks for stopping by.
Bro you are completely right a blogger must have a means of saying thank you, which was the reason why we have some plugin like Comment luv enabled in our blogs or having top and recent comments widgets enable, these are few means of saying thank when people comment to your blog
Using such plugins would encourage others to leaving comments on your blog for sure. Thanks anyway for stopping by.
No wonder! I really am glad to have read this post. Thanks for letting us know about this. Thanks for this.
Thanks Larry for stopping by Larry. I’m glad you liked it.
Good content is the Basic thing Of Getting a Good Number Of Comments If Ur Blog Have A Good No Of contents Then Peoples Automatically Comes To Ur Site By Which Ur Traffic Is Goes High And In Similar it Increase Ur Comment Counts But There r Few Peoples Those r Not Interested to Share Any Comments
This is just the fact about getting comments to your blog. Thanks Manoj for stopping by.
Yes!!! You’ve said everything but some people comment as a spammer
Yes Adesanmi, most comments come as spam, but you can really know them by their contexts and links. The points mentioned above are simple ways to build up readership and commentatorship on your blog.
Informative article. Just a quick question, what defines high or good amounts of traffic? I enjoyed reading this post as I can tick off a lot of things I do to initiate comments, but the comments are low…
Thanks you very much Oscar. These are just the reasons why people do not comment on blogs and i’ve come to know. With this, i will work on myself. thanks once more.
I’m glad this article informed you into what to do in order to work on getting more comments to your blog. Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks for sharing the tips bro
Hi Victor,
Thanks for stopping by, i’m glad you liked the article. I hope to see more of your comments here on our blog, remember to like our page or signup or feeds.
i think another means to encourage more comments is to increase page rank of a site. bloggers prefer to comment on websites with page rank higher than theirs. for instance, if their page rank is 1 they would comment on page rank 2 blogs or higher
welcome to the group Oscar
hope you enjoy being member of our group
Hi Marilyn,
I am really excited been a member, thanks also for the contribution. You are awesome.
I quite remember I wrote a similar post sometime back.
Even though your points were different from mine, we all tend to agree on one thing and that is ‘Asking’.
Asking is key in getting more comments.
It’s simple, if you ask, you receive. Thanks anyway for commenting Emmanuel.
Questions! Ask a bunch of questions and people will respond to your questions with answers.
This method is fool-proof because many folks cannot resist answering a question. Gotta go it lol
Thanks for sharing the helpful tips Oscar!
That’s right Ryan. Thanks for the contribution here.
thanks for this awesome post oscar you really made a great point on this post infact i love this article please keep up the good work
Hi Prince,
Thanks for leaving your comment on this article. I’m just glad you did.
Good post for the bloggers to get more comments for their blog posts.
Yes, high traffic and post quality are essential to stimulate the readers to leave comment.
Replying to comments will help a little too. Thanks for sharing this post, its nice
Hi Nirmala,
Replying to comments goes a long way, anyway, i’m glad you stopped by. Thanks for leaving your valuable opinion here.
Well said. Agreed with all of your points here. I’d like to add one more point ‘You are not active in communities’. Simply writing great posts and promoting them may not always bring in more comments. Most of the web traffic is of ‘fetch and run’ kind. But, if you are active in community, if you are reading blog posts and commenting there, you can expect the other people to share their views on your article.
Thank you Oscar for the good post.
You sure are right Suresh, activities on communities can turn in a good number of comments also. i have experienced this also. Thanks for finding time to come by Suresh.
I totally agree to all the points you have listed here especially asking for it, i often do that on my blog and the result is always encouraging. The number of comments on your posts is an indication of how much you can reach to your audience, people enjoy blogs with comments. Thanks for sharing such an awesome post.
You are warmly welcome Dessy, i’m glad you picked something from this article.
Agree with your points.
We can’t expect comments on a blog which gets very low traffic. And a post which don’t have any useful stuff will only get spam comments.
Nice post
Hi Sriram,
I’m glad you find this article a useful resource. Thanks for commenting also
Blog commenting is more valuable step for every blogger. Commenting on other blogs is inturn reminding them about our blog. Nicely written thanks for sharing
Hi Srikanth,
Thanks for your contribution. You are welcome to my blog.
I presonally consider comments as a rewards for you because when you get comments you feel like people lke your content and enjoy it !
You have shared with us awesome ways to get comments thanks for sharing brother have a cool day ahead
Hi Anis,
I’m glad you loved the article. Thanks anyway for leaving a useful comment.
thanks oscar…..you really opened my eyes
You are quite welcom Matrix. Thanks for stopping by.
That was a very good and truthful blog post! I agree if your site doesn’t have a lot of traffic then you won’t see many comments. I’m working on getting more traffic to my blog! I enjoy getting comments when I do get them.
Traffic is the key to blogging success. Try as much as possible to build up your traffic and watch the comments roll in. Thanks for commenting Maketta.
Great post write up Bro Oscar you know after i read this post i had to install that plugin you recommended, soonest i will be seeing much interactions on my blog thanks for the post
That’s cool. Applying these tips has helped me go a long way. Thanks for commenting anyway, and do have a nice day ahead.
Coment on bloggers blog unfold one identity and what such a person is carrying inside of him/her in blogospherre
Thanks for the contribution.
To be frank with you, I have invested much time in writing quality contents and backlinking. But when I started using Keywordluv, Commenting started sky rocketing.
Really,thanks for the input. It’s greatly appreciated Nirman.
Thanks for making me understand why i am not getting or receiving comments on my post, i am so happy i ran into this post, thanks a lot.
I’m glad you found out the reasons here. Hope to get more of your comments here on this blog
. BTW, have you subscribed to our newsletters or liked our fanpage?
the biggest thing you never get a comment is never ask you friends to review you site and make a comment..
You are quite right Profil. If you don’t ask, you probably won’t receive. Thanks for the contribution.
Thanks for letting us know about this
You are very much welcome
Hmmm.. Thank u very much Oscar, for giving out these tips for free, a lot of Bloggers out there would ask for money to get all these blogging tips. God bless you! And I hope this would help me cos my posts lacks comment.
And please how do I add facebook and twitter widget on my blog’s mobile view?
I appreciate the fact that you love this article. Thanks for dropping by. BTW, you make your blogger template responsive and display whatever you wish. It all lies in your knowledge on CSS.
Pls what’s BTW and CSS? Am kinda novice here,pardon me
looks like I also have to use Comment love. what good is it?
Sure, you can make use of it to attract more comments.
Your website is really useful. I hope your web is growing from time to time. About this topic, I think it’s fine to comment on our own web, as long as relevant to the topic being discussed.
thank you for the advice, I beg permission to give it back.
This is simple and direct.keep up the good job.