One thing every blogger is constantly in search of is how to increase their blog traffic from where it is currently to a dream height. But there are several working ways to maneuver and steadily increase your blog traffic of which blog commenting is one major tool.
Must Read: Why You Should Leave Comments On Other Blogs
Below are my blog commenting techniques that have changed the way I feel about commenting for traffic.
How I Pull Huge Traffic Using Blog Commenting
1. Target The A List Bloggers In Your Niche
If you really need targeted traffic to your blog and want to achieve a reasonable amount of referral traffic using this strategy, then you have to be on the look out for the authorities in your niche. Leaving comments on their blogs is a great way to get them (your target audience and authorities) notice your presence in your niche.
This doesn’t mean that you are not to leave comments on other blogs, but commenting on the big blogs tends to yield better results from research. Making a list of the top blogs and leaving comments on their articles regularly would surely bring about an increase in traffic if you follow the subsequent rules.
2. Be The First To Comment
Aha! This could be quite difficult but very much effective as much as I know. I have noticed that about 50-60 percent of people who read your article would read the first two comments on your blog and this is no exception as to the A list blogs.
After you must have made the list of top blogs you are to target, make it a point of duty to be the first to comment on their articles. This is a one major blog commenting strategy that has yielded a lot of results in form of referral traffic for most of us bloggers.
Even if it means you subscribing to their newsletters or using Google Alerts to keep track of them, find a way to get their latest articles and build that habit of been the first to comment on those blogs. It surely would increase your blog traffic.
- Must Read: 4 Surefire Ways To Make Your Blog Popular
3. Read Before Commenting
I hate it when I get comments like “Great Article. Thanks for the share.” and guess why? Because it obviously shows that the commentator never read my post but simply wants to get referral traffic.
Before you leave a comment on any blog, try as much as you can to read the article so you would know where to come in. Blog commenting for traffic doesn’t mean you should leave those short sentences and expect them to yield result. The truth is, you won’t get traffic from those even if you are the first to comment on the article.
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4. Comment Amazing Fact
Just like I said above, you do not have to leave short comments if you wish positive results. One strategy that works is leaving a lengthy comment. It usually would get the attention of the host blogger and other commentators and in turn have them click through your profile to check out your blog. You might end up getting a new set of subscribers if this is well done.
This also doesn’t mean you should be boring in comments you leave.
5. Use Your Real Name and Not Keywords
One thing I do whenever I realize a comment in my pending queue with keywords instead of real name in the Name field is send it to my trash. Now you get how most bloggers would feel if they realize you are commenting with keywords in place of your names.
It kinda shows that you are quite interested in getting anchored text backlinks instead of adding value to the article. Trying to add value to whatever you read is the key to winning trust, so it is necessary you use your real names for blog commenting to achieve results that are worth the effort.
6. Don’t Add Links In The Comment Field
Here is where most bloggers fail trying to add links to their comments in order to get traffic as fast as possible. Things do not actually work in this manner as people would obviously see you to be a spammer and won’t have regards or respect your comments.
You should find every possible means to avoid linking from your comments to any blog, only do that when the need arises such as when you want to help another commentator or the author with something you feel would be of great aid to the topic discussed.
- Must Read: How I Get Traffic Without Google Part 1
Now Your Turn
The above mentioned tips are the exact working principles I’ve used over the years in converting my comments into traffic and I know they would definitely work for you if you follow the procedures right.
To your blogging success.
your number two point is kind of funny because you see it in alot of forums where users rush and post first to comment. Also point number 1-4 blog commenting techniques always work for me.
Nice article Oscar.
I’m excited you love it. Do have a great day.
I have applied these tips on one of my blogs and results are awesome and beleive me i was planning to write a post on it. But, after reading yout words I am confused that what to do because you wrote in detail and make every point very clear. This will definitely help many people. Thanks for sharing such nice and useful words with us
Hi Adnan,
It’s really cool to know I could help. Thanks for your comment and hope to seeing more of you over here.
hi oscar. many spammers on my blog are using keywords instead of their names. most of their comments do not make a lot of sense. i have to search for a-list blogs on my niche. thanks for the tips
You are very much welcome Marilyn. Thanks for your time.
Hi Oscar,
Basic and useful tips here! I like commenting first and adding something new with my take. Share you wisdom. Show off. Add value to the post.
Thanks for sharing!
You are welcome Ryan, thanks. BTW, long time I saw your comments here.
Blog commenting really works like magic and thats if the techniques are followed correctly, but that first to comment stuff, the thing go piss you off if all those forum dudes should take action.
LOL. Anyway, implementing these techniques would definitely work you to success. Thanks
Good blog commenting post Oscar
I do agree with your points and I never comment on blogs without reading the post. Also, I used to leave 5-6 lines comment on the blog posts which I read and won’t approve the single line comment like “Awesome post, thanks for sharing” etc.
Being the first commenter for atleat 3-5 blogs would drive traffic to your blog and I have good experience in that.
Blog commenting has lot of benefits and the bloggers should give proper care while commenting
Cool comment you have here Nirmala. A perfect example of boosting traffic technique from comments. Thanks once more.
Hi Oscar
Blog commenting which is an great source for boosting traffic be first comment which bring more attention of others already i felt those things with my process and also before commenting we should read the post that’s makes sense between enjoyed reading it
Thanks for your time Shameem. Do have a great time pal.
Hello Oscar,
Thanks for sharing this informative post with us. I have applied some of the above listed points in action and have seen good response.
You are welcome and thanks for proving this article worthy by letting us know the exact same strategies did work for you.
Hi oscar
Great content again. The importance of blog commenting can not be over emphasized. Since my blog is not really a niche blog, i don’t fight for the first spot but i always try to leave valuable content. Though i don’t like writing long comments. I try my possible best.
I’m glad you try your best and I’m sure it has been working for you.
Hello Oscar,
I agree that commenting is a very effective for bloggers and personally, I hate too when someone on my blog just posts two words in a comment such as “Nice Post”or Ämazing Post'”. Adding links and using keywords instead of name is another thing that i hate most, and those who do this usually go in my “Spam Category”.
However, there is another thing that i hate most, and that is mentioning “Please VIsit my Blog” at the end of your useful comment. And those are there too just for link building.
You are quite right. Thanks for your time and BTW, welcome to my blog Kumar.
In as much as it is good to be the first to comment, it is also great to be the last to comment and that is something I enjoy doing.
The last commentator before the last will always visit the blog ahead of him as I am going to visit Abraham’s blog right now after my comment.
All in all this is a great piece Oscar.
Great concept Emmanuel. I haven’t tried it out and would study it closely. Thanks for your contribution.
haha! Hey Emmanuel
Thanks for the visit.
A comment should be long enough to successful express your thought or contributions to an article and even if you\are not the first to comment, ensure to leave a quality content that adds value to the article and trust me people like me read through comments and when i fin useful commenter i don’t hesitate to check him/her out.
Thanks for your contribution Dessy. Do have a great day.
Insightful tips.Clearly shows that you’ve spend good amount of time in commenting.
Sure I do Joe and it works wonders for me. Thanks for you comment.
Hello Oscar,
Another amazing post…. thumbs up for you.
I always try to write a good comment on another blogs. To a first commenter, you need to be very active on other blogs. You have to add them in your RSS feed reader, like them on Facebook. It’s seems like a following other blogs as a Private detective…
Hahahaha… really.. awesome man
Sure Himanshu,
It’s almost a job of a private detective to stay first and active on other blogs comment section, but it sure does pay off.
Thanks for your contribution pal.
Nice guidelines bro, I’ll apply these tips, people think droping comments without links is waste of time but now I know it’s not.
I’m glad the points interest you. Commenting has played a huge role in the success of this blog. Thanks for your time.
I am new at blogging and I have been looking for how to increase my traffic, thanks for this wonderful post man.
Thanks for stopping by Chukwumerije. If you need traffic generation strategies that work for me, I guess you have to take a look Here.
Thanks for your time.
You are really spot on, i hate it when someone just visits my blog and types “Great post, keep it up” then adds a link at the end of the comment, that’s why i prefer comment luv system.
Thanks for your time Christopher. You are quite right
Hey Oscar,
I really like the fact that you came up with some rules about blog commenting. You really don’t, at least I don’t, really find blogs who focus on this topic. this is definitely a must in the blogging community.
I would say the two tips that really stuck out to me were numbers 1 and 3. I actually found a site called topsy that list the influential, and highly influential blogs and bloggers to check out. This definitely helps you find the “A” list of bloggers that’s going to help increase your traffic and much more important to learn from. Actually this is how I found your blog
I also hate it when people say “Great Post!” or worse off, leave a longer comment that didn’t relate to what I was talking about in the post LOL… You should definitely read the post, digest as much as you can while thinking about what you want to say. This shows the blogger how much you value their content, especially if the blogger is from the Elite “A” list of bloggers!
Thanks for sharing!
Wow, that was a great one Sherman. Another example of a perfect blog comment. Thanks for dropping by here and welcome to OscarMini. I hope to see more of your comments here. I really your every second down here. Thanks once more and do have a nice day ahead.
For some time now I have been commenting on blogs in my niche. But it is not yielding results. I wonder how it could help my alexa ranking kuz links coming in keeps increasing yet my rank hasn’t shown yet. But I will keep working on it.
Hey Charlze,
If you are commenting only on your niche and not going wide you might not get traffic, so you’ve got to lunch all out, never putting your eggs in one basket. Do you get it? Also, are you sure your comments are unique, relevant and invaluable to the subject matter of the blog’s author and are you sure people will like to know who you are after reading your amazing comments. Your comments as far as I know and as far as blogging is concern as to be thought provoking and ones that elicit attention and that value to everyone reading it. See Sherman’s comment up there and others too. Different from yours right? They are long and meaningful, not boring like frank stated in his article.
Ruminate on this few words of advice from your new friend okay.
I’ve read the 6 points of your writing Oscar and my brother wanted to be a good blogger, but because I am just learning to make blog therefore I can not give good comments, and I hope anyone he could help me to learn the good, for prove the look of my blog and what’s your comment on my blog. Thank you.
Though I don’t completely understand this comment, all I can say is YOU ROCK. Thanks for coming down here Joko.
Hey Oscar,
Oh my gosh! You kept sharing compelling post and how on earth did I miss this great blog? I must have been doing some grave blogging mistakes myself. It’s nice that I came across it anyways.
6 blog commenting rules! Indeed they are filled with amazing insights and I’m glad that I didn’t have time to make this mistake in my third attempt of being a blogger. Thanks to the many great folks I associated and networked with and the many great books I read about blogging.
I have written about this same topic and would be live soon on my blog as it is currently undergoing going some proper scrutiny.
Thanks for sharing this with us boss!
Thanks for your time Sam.
oscar i agree with you from 1-6 points, but always like to be the first person to comment, great post.
Hi Oscar,
Thank you so much for putting this post. Excellent guide on comment policy. I will follow all the steps on my blog. This post is equally important.
Hi Sadia,
I’m glad you love this article. Thanks for dropping by and hope to see more of your comments down here.