today on FTB we have with a guest who has come all the way from HealthTutorTips to share some knowledge with us. You might be wondering “what on earth does this health tutor dude have to do here on a tech blog.” Let me tell you something, this is a techie-tech doctor believe me, he has all you are looking for.
Let me open the floor to Owolabi, please take is on a smoth ride. 🙂

Image Credit: CleverWood .be
Am sure so many bloggers out there have heard the advice about Building Email List and understand the advantages of Building Email List, incase you don’t know here are the advantages. When you have numerous subscribers who like and trust you, it’s easier for you to do the following:
1.) Drive Traffic to your blog
2.) Relationship with your subscribers only content and surveys will be deepen
3.) Send targeted offers and that will earn you some cash.
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The one big thing; We all know that signing up to Email provider like MailChimp, Aweber e.t.c are very easy, but do you actually get people to sign up to your list? That’s a one million question. And if NO is your answer continue reading this article, as this tips are for you.
The Simple Secret in Building Email List is to show your visitors the Opt-in Form and they will surely sign up, just follow on with this article and I’ll show you 7 types of Opt-in form placements that work like magic, that will be able to drive a heck of subscribers into your list.
Those 7 Types of Opt-in Forms You’ve Never Might Have Used
1) Popover: A popover opt-in form literally pops over the page, obscuring the content and demands attention. Your readers must see this and are likely to subscribe.
2.) After Post: After Post opt-in form appears immediately after blog post. It displays to you reader immediately they finish reading your article, trust me, if your article interests them, they’ll subscribe.
3.) Slide-in: A slide-in opt-in form actually is hidden initially and then slides to page from bottom right or left corner of your blog. It’s beautiful as it comes out, and will surely catch your visitors eyes.
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4.) Notification Bar: A notification bar opt-in form shows at the Header or Footer of the blog and remain visible as user scrolls down or up, it just pins at a place. Therefore anywhere your visitors are on your blog, they will surely see it.
5.) Feature Box:> Feature Boxes just shows up at the top of your blog’s header that is why some bloggers use them on their homepage alone while other bloggers use them on selected number of posts or pages. It goes a long way, and is also in a visible site where your readers eyes can catch it.
6.) Sidebar: The sidebar is where almost all bloggers add the opt-in form, so the sidebar is a place where readers would expect to see the sign up form, so please make sure you add it there because it converts.
7.) Landing Page: A Landing Page shows up on the entire page. Landing Page offers 100% focus on your offer unlike popover. Landing Pages are separate class opt-in form with plugins dedicated exclusively to creating them. This is one which you should give a try.
Have you been finding it difficult to convert your visitors to subscribers? You’ve place a signup box on your blog, and no one is interested, then, try to create any of these forms and get numerous email subscribers. Do you know any other types of form placement that rocks? Kindly let us know using the comment box.
yes ..
This is a nice article but i think that the Popover subscription form is d best…
It pops out exactly when the user will subscribe..
Anyhw shaa…thanks for this article..
Hi Anyinature,
It’s good you stoped by on my blog to. I buy your idea of using the popover, but sometimes it annoys readers, if a reader complaines to me about it, I’ll get rid of it immediately, but it’s really a nice one as it appears to your readers face.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and do have a wonderful day ahead. 🙂
These are some great options for opt-in forms. Sometimes we forget and only place an opt-in form on the right sidebar. I do believe that we have to strike a balance and not irritate our readers with too many opt-in forms but at the same time I have read from many that there should be at least 5 options for a prospect to opt-in to your list while they are on your blog.
The ultimate goal is to get the prospect on our list so that we can build a relationship with them. One thing we can do for sure it to provide quality content that grasps the readers attention. You have given me some ideas to even become better at striking that good balance as it relates to opt-in forms. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Nate,
It’s good to see you once again on my blog, and I’m glad that you like this article by Owolabi, he has shown us the perfect places to place Opt-In forms on our blogs, and I’m glad it will be of benefit to you.
Thanks for your contribution here 🙂
Frugal yeah you’re right content is the king and am glad you the post,THANKS.
Madame Damasta sure pop over is the best,your readers attention would be 100% on the form when it pops over and thanks for the comment glad you like it.
It is without the doubt that subscribers are what form the base of the blog. Optin forms is a great way to get them.
It was a really great informative posts showing how we could explore and experiment our options to catch those emails. One should definitely use multiple of these form on their sites but in a way that it does not repel the users. Experimentation in opt-ins is very important as some they work for different sites differently. Pop up works for me well enough.
It was really great that you organised all the options for readers to explore.
Have a nice week ahead
Hi Navneet,
I sure the opt-in forms are very essential in a blog most especially. Here Owolabi has given us wonderful placements that can surely boost our email.
Popover seems to be the choice of many, but sometimes it’s so irritating to our readers, But if it’s fine with your readers, then cool, you can continue with it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and enjoy the week too.
Sure opt in forms are great but personally I hate the pop up type especially those without a cancel option.
Some blogger over use this in such a way that it keeps popping up per every page view which is really not the best practice if asked.
I just prefer having them at the side bar, and then another one right under my posts.
Uche Francis
Techdavids .com
Hi Uche,
I agree with you, many bloggers over use this, and you know what? Over usage makes a useful tool useless. :O
Every person is entitiled to his/her own opinions, but I think the pop-over rocks but over using it is crazy.
Thanks for your contribution here, and do enjoy the day ahead.
Hi Larry and Owolabi
Thank you Larry for inviting Owolabi to discuss such an important topic in blogging. I agree that optin forms do help get subscribers but to achieve this one has to place them where they can be noticed by readers. So it is great to be reminded about the different Optin forms.
Each optin form is great but also are effective based on when you place them. I tried the pop up form which did not give me any subscriber but I see the after post form doing better. Thanks for sharing this info. Have a nice week.
Hi Ikechi,
I’m glad that you like this article from Owolabi, it’s really good you found where works best for you, I’m glad you could share your experience.
Thanks for stopping by, and do have a wonderful day to spend ahead. 🙂
Nice writeup health techie, heard of email list lots of times, didn’t really five it much thought or how it could affect my blog traffic. think the pop over will work better for me, Twill be hard for anyone to ignore without subscribing.
Hello Gracia,
It’s good that you like the popover opt-in form, why not give it a trial and let us know how it’s like with you?
Will like to hear fro, you again.
Thanks for stopping by, and do enjoy your day. 🙂
Hi Lary and Owolabi,
This was a nice post !! Superb. I agree with you that subscription box plays a very important role in the success of any blog. The more number of subscriber you have the more visibility and success you get.
You have given some amazing place to have this option. I have used couple of those till now and definitely going to try others. The most i like is notification bar and i have received many subscription through this.
Thanks for sharing and have a nice week ahead !!
Hi Ashutosh,
Sure the subscription box plays a role in the success of a blog, it’s good you got an answer through your experience, but it really would be nice if you try others too.
Thanks for stopping by 🙂
Master L!
You are AMAZING! This is such great information,
I have some of these already built into my web site, but I am sure I want to go back now and install some more.
Thanks again for a great, informative blog post
Hi Allysha,
It’s good this article notified you about the opt-in forms on your blog, and you are gonna edit their positions right? So pleased to hear that, I hope your new placement will work for you.
Thanks for stopping by, and a Merry Xmas too 🙂
That’s a pretty enlightening post! May try out one of the 7 opt-in forms for my blog some time soon!
Hi Hui,
It’s good you like the post, but why don’t you give them a trial now? I think thats gonna be nice.
Thanks for stopping by though 🙂
It is definitely important to experiment a little to see what optin form placements convert best on your own website. It is equally important to test out different types of forms. Your list of 7 options is great! Why make a tiny form in the corner of the nav bar when you could make a large one that fills the entire screen?
Hi Mike,
It’s good you showed concern, well this is a guest post by Owolabi, I personally don’t really like the pop-overs, as with time, I might start considering it.
Thanks for stopping by, and taking the brave step to ask your question.
Well pop up is good,when it pops your reader’s attention is 100% going to be on the form.
Thanks for stopping by