Since iPads and iPhones are examples of tablets and smartphones, being able to view and edit documents on the go is something Apple users look forward to, especially on the iPad. But when it comes to editing documents with iPads and iPhones, you would have to make compromises, since there are no official apps from Apple. Despite the non-availability official apps, there are ways you can edit documents on iPhones and iPads. In this article, I am going to give a tutorial on how to edit documents on iPhone or iPad.
Documents today are commonly stored in formats supported by Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, since the majority of documents are created as word documents on computers including Apple Macs, being able to edit Microsoft Word documents on iPads and iPhones should be a priority for Apple users.
since there are no official apps from apple to edit word documents, we would need to rely on third-party apps from the Apple Apple store. These apps allow Apple users to view, edit documents on iPads and iPhones. Such apps include:
1. Pages
When it comes to editing apps on iPhones and iPads, Pages comes first in mind. The fact that Apple developed the pages app for iOS, makes the pages app, look like an iOS app. Apple always forgets to include in the list of apps pre-installed on iPads and iPhones. Pages will allow you edit documents from many sources and most importantly, pages app can also editing Microsoft word documents.
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The pages app is compatible with Apple iCloud. This means that it can be synced with other iOs devices.
2. Quick office HD
Quick office HD is another app designed for iOS devices to edit documents on the go. Although Apple did not develop it, it still features the ability to view and edit documents in word format. It gives you the ability to edit documents from micro soft excel, word, powerpoint e.t.c.
3. Office 2
Office 2 is another iOS that is capable of carrying documents edits done. This app works just like the quick office HD and will allow you to edit the majority of the documents created with Microsoft office software.
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As might have observed already in this article, there is no official method for editing documents on iPhone or iPad; you will need an app from the Apple app store. Once you have downloaded any of such apps, all you need to do is to load documents and edit them.