Welcome to oscarmini.com, today we’ll be sharing a hot PC tutorial and surely every PC owner would like this, probably it isn’t really new to some people but some this is totally alien to them. It’s a short one and my best method to lock my computer very fast, If you are the type that leaves your computer in a hurry and you don’t want any thing to go wrong as regard human usage and tamper and you do not wish log off your account, this tutorial would be very helpful to moms at home so as to help them prevent their kids from damaging their system while taking a short brake.

There are several ways to do this, and this one is one of the many. You can double-click a shortcut on your desktop to quickly lock the keyboard and display, this method doesn’t require using CTRL+ALT+DEL or a screen saver. But below is a way you can create a fast shortcut on you desktop.
Lets Proceed……
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How To Lock Your PC With Just One Click
- Firsltly right-click the desktop. Point to New, and then click Shortcut.
- Then the Create Shortcut Wizard must have been opened. In the text box, type the following;
*. rundll32.exe
*. user32.dll
*. LockWorkStation. - Click Next. Now enter a name for the shortcut. Probably your desired name but here I named, mine is saved as “Lock It”.
- If you’ve done that jusc Click Finish.
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Yea you are done, like I saide earlier there are series of ways which you can be able to do something similar which one includes (holding windows key+L). This is the best method for me anyway.
Awesome thanks For sharing
Hi Rahul Pawar,
Thanks for dropping a comment here.
I do not know this simple trick until I find this article. I love the simple “holding windows key+L” to lock my personal computer. I tried it and it worked. Thanks a lot! I cannot imagine I do not know this one. It is easier to lock my personal computer that way.
Thanks for this! This is a must share! Clear cut and awesome!
Hi Metz,
You just learnt something new on my blog today, hehehehe.
Thanks for stopping by.
please i tried to input the letters but it showing me not found