It’s always annoying seeing this screen “This copy of Windows in not genuine” probably it displays on unregistered version of Windows 7. I hate seeing such errors on any PC i use and I hope you too hate it as it can be very irritating especially when it changes the beautiful colour of your desktop background into a black screen and flashes this same irritating error message “This copy of Windows in not genuine”. I guess you are fed up on this, do you think you’ll have to stress your pocket to get this fixed? Well here I’ll be giving a guide on how you can fix “This copy of Windows in not genuine” error without burning a hole in your pocket. (No Cracks Needed) 🙂

This isn’t just about displaying irritating popups but there are also detriments which are caused by this annoying error. Lets see…
Detriments Of Windows 7 Not Genuine Error- (This Copy Of Windows is not Genuine)
Below are some demerits of this error as they cause fatal problems to your system.. Lets see.
- The beautiful, colourful and well designed images or photos which you set as your wall paper changes to black screen and flashes that same annoying message “This copy of windows is not Genuine”
- Using a slow PC is more painful than breaking up with your girlfriend I must confess. This error also affects the performance of your PC nagatively by making it slow.
- Program instabilty: Sometimes you might be running a program, in a short time the program displays an error message and closes.
- For laptop users certainly your battery life is been affected as it drains your battery quickly.
So sad huh! Sure you should be but the fact still remains that all this detriments would continually show up on your PC untill you fix it up, and here below is the tutorial to do that.
How to Fix Windows 7 Not Genuine error
Basically there are two methods to fix this and I’m going to take you on the two methods. Sounds great huh! Ofcourse yes I would do just that. To me I prefer the first method I’ll share and I also recommend it, but if it doesn’t work for you then you can probably use the second method.
Lets Proceed!
NOTE: Like I said, the first method is preferable but if you don’t have administrator privilege of your PC don’t boder yourself just skip to the second method, because the first method requires administrative permission.
First Method: Using Command Prompt
- Press “Windows” button in your keyboard and type cmd.
- Now right click on it and select “Run as Administrator”.
- A pop up message would display asking you for permission to initialize the program. Click on “Yes”.
- Now, Windows Command Prompt box would open on your screen, just type the command “SLMGR – REARM” (without quotes) as it is shown in the image below and press Enter.
NOTE: Make sure you type it as it is, as it is case sensitive (Tyep in Caps). Or else, it won’t work.
If you’re done with that simple wait for sometime and you will get a confirmation message saying “Command completed successfully” as the image below.

Whats next? Restart your PC and the changes would take effect immediately. No more “This copy of Windows in not genuine” error as you have successfully fixed Windows 7 Not Genuine Error.
I hope it was easy? Sure it is. Lets look at the second method.
Second Method: Tweaking with Windows Update Option
- Locate to Control Panel. Go to Windows Update section. To go to Windows Update section, Navigate Control Panel>>System and Security>>Windows Update.
- Are you there? If yes then click on Installed Updates at the your left bottom.
Below is a screebshot of the Control Panel Windows Update Section.

- Here you’ll be able to see a list of all your installed updates. Now, find the update KB971033 and just uninstall it.
The KB971033 is an important Windows update that lets you know if your copy of Windows is Genuine or not.
Now, restart you PC so that the changes could take effect.
Congratulations! You’ve successfuly fixed Windows 7 Not Genuine Error- “This Copy Of Windows is not Genuine”.
With either of this methods you’ll be able to fix Windows 7 Not Genuine Error – “This Copy Of Windows is not Genuine” successfully I hope you enjoyed it.
tnx for the info… helpful 🙂
Thanks for stopping by chinonso,
Do have a wonderful day ahead..
Hi Frank, While it is cool to learn these easy methods of removing the “Windows not genuine ” message from a company, I still think the best and most credible thing to do is to avoid using Windows programs that is not genuine. After all, the message pop-ups when the program used is not genuine. I shared this comment in where this post was found.
Hi sunday, for sure using a genuie windows programe is the ultimate solution, this is just a guide for those using pirated/not geniue windows program, to stop the error as it might be dangerous to their PC.
Thanks for stopping by with a contribution.
Hi Samantha,
Where are you having problems? Just let me know so that I’ll help you out.
it not working on mine too ooo…… After inputing d SLMGR-REARM….. It not going it will ask me to iput d command again